Wednesday 19 September 2012

Daily Life


Crafstmen wore a plain linen kilt and lived in a simple house. They ate figs, dates, bread, butter, honey, milk, fish and roasted meat in their everyday life. Their job was to supervise a construction and if they had a family, look after the children. They had some free time and spent it by playing senet, an Egyptian board game and sleeping. When supervising a construction, craftsmen can usually be seen caring the plan of the construction.


Women of Ancient Egypt wore a linen dress, a reed necklace, an amulet and lived in a house near the Nile River. They ate bread, fruit, lettuce and wild honey; some were bought from the market while some were farmed by themselves. Their job was to cook, laundry and look after the kids. At that time, they used a large stone as a washboard and liked to gossip in their free time.

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